This is my first blog. I could not think what to start with. So I started with a sweet recipe. It is a very simple dessert that everyone can make.                          

ABOUT MALPOA             

Malpoa is a very popular dessert. Which looks like a small pancake. Malpoa is a very popular sweet in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Malpoa is made with different ingredients like fruits, rice flour, plain flour, coconut, milk, khoya(mawa), jaggery, sugar, honey. Malpoa made in different festivals like Holi, Navaratri, Diwali. Again Malpoa was given as a 'prashad' at chappanbhog of Lord Jagannath of Puri. Whose name is Amalu. This is served in the morning.     
Today I will make a new recipe of Malpoa. Name CHEESE MALPOA.       

How to Make Cheese Malpoa  

For Batter 

Plain flour - 1and1/2 cup
Milk - 1 and 1/2 cup 
Ghee - 1 cup 
Khoya(mawa) - 3 tablespoons 
Grated cheese - 3 tablespoons 
Cheese cube - a few (cut into thick pices) 
Fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon 
Cardamom powder - 1/2 teaspoon  

For Syrup  
Sugar - 1/2 cup 
Water - 1/2 cup 
Lemon juice - 2 teaspoon 


In a bowl mix well with flour, milk, khoya, grated cheese, fennel seeds, cardamom powder. Remember that the batter is not too thin or thick. Mix it properly.  
Now you have stir water and sugar in a pot. When it became thick, it should be taken down with lemon juice. 

Then take a pan and heat it with ghee. Then with the help of a big spoon of Malpoa batter once in a while  put a cheese cube on top of it and then turn it over with another side of batter. 

Both side should be fried golden. Then you have to dip into sugar syrup. 
Serve with grated cheese on top. Enjoy test of MALPOA.

Useful Note  

If you don't like sugar, you can use honey. Take honey in a pot and mix it with hot water. No need to boil.  
Thank for your kind attention!

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  1. Good recipe & process description also good.......Madam, my suggestion is that sequel video of cooking process may helpful for followers.

    1. Thanks for appreciation course i will complete the demand in my up coming write up.
